St Joseph's College
Teacher Recommended Reading List
How I wish I'd Taught Maths
This is the story of an experienced and successful maths teacher’s journey into the world of research, and what it looks like in the classroom. Along the way we meet practical, easy-to-implement strategies including Supercharged Worked Examples, Silent Teacher, SSDD problems, low-stakes quizzes, diagnostic questions, Purposeful Practice, self-explanations, harnessing the power of the hypercorrection effect, how to (and how not to) teach problem-solving and much more. No matter your experience, teaching style or favourite number, every maths teacher will find something to think about in this book.
Elephant in the Maths Classroom
This offers concrete suggestions on ways to teach maths well, and ways to help children in the home, that will offer new and more effective ways of learning maths. The book offers an exciting way forward, a new approach to teaching maths that excites and motivates children, teaching them to reason and problem solve, that can help children, even those who think that they are maths failures and that they could never enjoy maths. ISBN-10: 0285638475, ISBN-13: 978-0285638471
Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain
This is Craig Barton's second book where he offers an approach to help all our students think mathematically. It requires the careful sequencing of questions and examples, the role of the teacher, and the mathematical behaviour of our students. It has transformed his teaching. Drawing upon research into the Self-Explanation Effect, the Hypercorrection Effect and Variation Theory, together with two years of developing this approach with teachers and students around the world, Craig describes exactly what this looks like in the classroom.
Adapting and Extending Secondary Mathematics Activities
This is a practical guide to methods of exploiting text book ideas and utilising different resources. Published by David Fulton Publishers at www.fultonpublishers.co.uk and type in ISBN 185346712X top right
Resources for Teaching Mathematics 14-16
This is resource contains 70 complete lesson plans with complementary worksheets for the students, specifically designed for GCSE level maths. This book contains 70 ready-to-use maths lessons suitable for the new GCSE Mathematics curriculum. The lesson plans contain objectives from both the Foundation & Higher Tiers to make them adaptable for different sets or for use in a mixed-ability context. ISBN-10: 082643603X, ISBN-13: 978-0826436030
Great Ideas For Introducing Key Concepts in Mathematics
This will invigorate instruction and engage students with this treasure trove of "Great Ideas" compiled by two of the greatest minds in mathematics. From commonly taught topics in algebra, geometry, trigonometry and statistics, to more advanced explorations into indirect proofs, binomial theorem, irrationality, relativity and more, this guide outlines actual equations and techniques that will inspire veteran and new educators alike. ISBN-10: 1412927064, ISBN-13: 978-1412927062
Quetions and Prompts for Mathematical Thinking
This provides a framework for generating a wide range of mathematical questions and prompts. An excellent book. Written by Anne Watson and John Mason and published by ATM - ISBN 189861105X - Contact by Tel 01332 346599 or at www.atm.org.uk
Learning & Teaching Mathematics Without A Textbook
This is a collection of starting points and extension tasks to support teachers and help students engage in the beauty of Mathematics. Published by ATM - ISBN 1898611157 - Contact by Tel 01332 346599 or at www.atm.org.uk