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Key Websites

Maths News & Articles

QED hosts some superb short articles and thoughts on Mathematics education.

+plus magazine podcasts: These will bring you the latest news from the world of maths, plus interviews and discussions with leading mathematicians and scientists about the maths that is changing our lives.



Subscription Sites

St Joseph's has login details for each of the following sites - See HoF

Mr Carter Maths

Maths Box





Starter Questions

Go Teach Maths: Targeted Starters for Grades 1-4, Grades 2-5 etc ...

MWB Maths: Superb source of single differentiated questions perfect for discussion

mathsbot @studymaths: Starters and Drills

MathsTeacherHub ‎@MathsTeacherHub: Mixed Starters



Lesson Planning

PiXi Maths @PiXiMaths: Resources, Lesson Plans, Revision Materials +

Lesson Planning @mrbartonmaths: Plan your lessons using worksheets, assessments, Rich tasks ...

DrFrostMaths @DrFrostMaths: Planned lessons for all Year Groups by Topic and Term.

Maths4Everyone @Maths4Everyone: Exam Practice, Revision Worksheets, Treasure Hunts and Loop Cards

BossMaths @Boss_Maths: Resources by topic including GeoGebra applets



Worksheet Type Resources

Interactive Maths v2 @InteractMaths: Question Generators

maths4everyone @Maths4Everyone: Great collection of worksheets with Click & Zoom facility

Arithmagons: Great collection covering lots of topics

Increasingly Difficult  @Taylorda01: Topic based questions increasing in difficulty.

Corbettmaths @Corbettmaths: Topic based tests, answers and Videos

Maths Genie @mathsgenie: GCSE Revision Materials by Grade and Topic



Non Routine Approaches

MathsHKO @giftedHKO: Great range of interesting resources to prompt student thought

Wild Maths: NRICH's lesser known cousin - with themed problems

MathematicalEtudes: Creative, imaginative and thought-provoking ways to help learners to develop fluency

Emergent Maths: Fantastic list of problems linked to the USA Grade system (Grade 4 = Year 5 etc)

SSDD Problems @mrnartonmaths: Problems which appear the same but aren't ...

Open Middle: Graded tasks with a single answer but many approaches

Open Middle - Geogebra: A collection of digitally interactive Open Middle Problems

Median (Don Steward): Resources approaching topics creatively

MathsVenns @mrbartonmaths: Rich Venn Diagram activities across the curriculum

Resourceaholic @mathsjem: Collection of some of the best resources available.

Great Maths Teaching Ideas: Pedagogy blog and great teaching ideas.

Wouldyourather @jstevens009: Justify your choice - click older posts at bottom.



Practical Problems

Engineering Lots of Practical Challenges



Desmos @Desmos: Desmos Graphing Resources.

GeoGebra @GeoGebra: GeoGebra Graphing Resources.

Henk Reuling @Henk Reuling: Some lovely Applets to promote discussion



Problems Solving & Puzzles

Parallel by Simon Singh: @SLSingh: Beyond the curriculum; mystery, history, activities, oddities, puzzles and problems

Collen Young @ColleenYoung: Puzzles and games

Transum over 250 Maths Puzzles

TEDEd Riddle Problems: Short 5 minute videos presenting a Mathematical Problem

NRICH @nrichmaths: Non routine problems to develop mathematicians

Puzzle of the Week: Weekly puzzle, with big library of solutions, ranked by difficulty.

Maths Problem Solving @LeanneShawAHS: Problem Solving Resources sorted by topic.



KS4 Revision Materials

Dr Frost Maths: Exam Papers, Topic Tests, all online and marked for you :-)

GCSE Resit Resources: Resit Padlet of Resources from Julia Smith

Mathematical Hooks: Mathematical Hooks padlet from Julia Smith

WJEC: Create GCSE Maths Paper using old GCSE questions

Onmaths @onmathsuk: Self marking papers, grade adjusts as you complete

Corbettmaths @Corbettmaths: Topic based tests, answers and Videos

Maths Genie @mathsgenie: GCSE Revision Materials by Grade and Topic

Miss Banks @MissBanksMaths: Video Tutorials by topic

TheMathsTeacher @TheMathsTeach: Virtual Classroom: worksheets and Video Tutorials



KS5 Materials

Underground Maths: Interesting A-Level Problems

Physics & Maths Tutor: A-level Past Papers split by topic

Eulcid's Elements: Digitised with interactive coloured diagrams

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