St Joseph's College
Year 12 - One Year course
Content and Teaching Sequence
The program of study shown below is indicative and designed to give a flavour of the content and the likely progress each half term. This will be tailored to meet the needs of the specific students on the course at any one time.
Autumn Term Spring Term

Things you can do/join/follow
Questions Inspired by a News Story blog by Mr Dawes (by using these first you will then become more confident just using articles you have seen the day before or that morning to generate discussions and problems - http://quibans.blogspot.com/
Listen to BBC R4 More or Less - www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qshd
Dave Gale’s blog on beginning to teach Core Maths - https://bit.ly/2LYWjJa
use #coremaths on Twitter
Stem Resources for Core Maths - https://bit.ly/2zjyZDA
News Articles to generate discussion - http://quibans.blogspot.com/
NRICH Resources for Core Maths - https://nrich.maths.org/coremaths
Jack Brown’s website containing past papers, glossary, resources - https://bit.ly/3ecPKPs
Homework generator for AQA Paper 1 by Jon Cox - https://bit.ly/2WXeBRp
Fermi Estimation Questions by Dave Gale - https://bit.ly/2LSmi5a
Resourceaholic Stats lessons (lots of overlap with Core) - https://bit.ly/3gnaCpg
Amazing graphs and data from gapminder - https://bit.ly/3ecbrzd
Articles to Inspire Core Maths lessons
100 Women: How Hollywood fails women on screen - A film passes the Bechdel Test if it has two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man - www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-43197774
Spending on Schools in England - https://fullfact.org/education/spending-schools-england/
Are junior doctors paid enough to get a Visa? - https://fullfact.org/health/junior-doctors-visa/
More people apply to Love Island than Oxbridge - https://bit.ly/3cZ6TMt
Bank of England raises interest rates ‘what effect would this have on someone with a £X mortgage?’ - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-45043776
Inequality in Food Consumption - https://ourworldindata.org/food-per-person
Article – what Airbnb really does to a neighbourhood - www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-45083954
Jon Cox Festival lesson and another recent article on tents left behind at Reading (estimate how many tents based on this area and potential volume of landfill generated) - https://bit.ly/3cY1ULO
In World’s ‘Happiest’ Countries, Signs of a Happiness Gap – critique research on happiness levels and re-write the article with a positive spin - https://nyti.ms/2TycqBZ
Is under 130k people attending Papal Mass in Phoenix park a fair estimate given the area and observation of the photograph (start from how many fit into a m2 – I tape one on the floor and get students up 1 by 1 to see how many will fit and how this reflected in the picture) - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DliDt1DU8AIoudR.jpg
How deep is your tube station? - https://bit.ly/3cZC8H9
Map of European Countries with Population smaller than London - https://bit.ly/3eezeyl
Lorry spills chocolate on Polish Motorway - https://bit.ly/3bZOmOG
‘Students urged to urinate in shower’ - justify the statement 'save enough water to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool 26 times' - https://bbc.in/2yzlLSM
Materials to use with department
Core Maths Case Studies - https://bit.ly/2A8er0x
MEI Conference Core Maths PowerPoints 2018
Core Maths and art of estimation - http://mei.org.uk/files/conference18/B3.pdf
Getting Started with Core Maths - http://mei.org.uk/files/conference18/D3.pdf
Teaching OCR Core Maths – a teacher’s perspective - http://mei.org.uk/files/conference18/C3.pdf
Problem Solving in Core Maths - http://mei.org.uk/files/conference18/J6.pdf
Core Maths ideas for GCSE - http://mei.org.uk/files/conference18/K3.pdf
Statistical ideas in Core Maths - http://mei.org.uk/files/conference18/L3.pdf